Man using tablet pc. Photo: Guido Mieth (Getty).
The mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste, but depending on how dirty yours is, it might end up wasting your time whether you want it to or not. Optical illusions are nothing new to the viral world, as something as simple as a pair of gams covered in lotion or just plain old dots can end up taking the internet by storm in a heartbeat. And if the photo question can also be interpreted as being a little bit filthy, then it will certainly get its time in the spotlight.
The photo below comes from Imgur, and isn’t all that engaging at first glance. However, upon closer inspection– actually, we don’t want to ruin the surprise for you just yet. Where’s the fun in that? Give this lovely lady the once over and see if anything stands out:
This Optical Illusion Is Only NSFW If You Want It To Be

Nothing? Congratulations. You’re not a disgusting pervert. Move on with your life knowing that your brain doesn’t immediately go to sick, twisted places.
…all those prudes gone? Good. So, did you see the huge dong? Pretty funny, right?
via Unilad