Naked Guy Gets On Top Of Los Angeles Bus, Becomes An Internet Hero

Photo: Mark Kolbe (Getty)

While we have the Naked Cowboy here in New York, it seems Los Angeles has just found their own mascot: The Naked Bus Guy.

For some apparent reason, still unknown to people (although let’s just assume this dude is off his rocker), a random guy not only decided to climb on top of a Los Angeles city bus, but he decided to do it while completely naked.

Photo: ABC 7

The ordeal didn’t last long, as police eventually caught up with him and led him away, but look at him here. He looks so damn proud of himself, looking out into the world.

Photo: ABC 7

The Internet loved him, of course, especially the part where he looked like he was trying to get work as a model.

He might as well had try this: The ‘Naked One Finger Challenge’ Is Another Challenge That Proves How Much Process We Are Making

Photo: Snapchat

And while there is still no word as to why this guy did this, the folks below had their guesses:


Whatever the reason may be, we commend you, naked bus guy, we really do. Much more than we do the naked guy looking for his wife inside of a Mormon temple, and a lot more than the naked British guy who got naked on a plane and threatned to kill a passenger.

h/t Elite Daily


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