Photo: Fabrice Lerouge (Getty)
OK, OK, it is only interesting because it has the word “naked” in it. There. We said it.
So while a bunch of folks are trying their hand at the mannequin challenge, as well as the 100 layer challenge, it seems a new challenge is arriving in America from the always weird Japan. That challenge? The One Finger Selfie Challenge. What a world we live in.
This challenge started in Japan when folks took notice of an anime artist known as Sky-FreeDom, who posts pretty regularly on the site Pixiv, and has a style — a style that is best described as provocative. Let’s take a look at the picture that got this challenge going.

Photo: YouTube
The challenge is simple: Use one finger to cover two parts of the body — mainly your boobs and down below. I’m impressed by the advances we are making in society.
Let’s take a look at some folks trying it out:

Photo: Twitter
Photo: Twitter
Some gals like to do it with clothes on:

Photo: YouTube
But that’s no fun. So back to nakedness.

Photo: Twitter
Here it is side by side:

Photo: YouTube
Hell, even dudes are getting involved.

Photo: Twitter
Let’s give it up for our generation. I’m eagerly waiting the next challenge.
h/t Daily Mail