James Fridman has turned trolling folks on the internet using the magic of Photoshop into an art. We’re not just talking about the numerous Photoshop battles that go on daily over on Reddit, either. In those case, the victims aren’t usually asking for it; it’s simply the luck of the draw. But as far as James goes, more often than not, the people he chooses to mock may as well have posted a picture of themselves online holding a “Roast Me” sign.
Photoshop Troll James Fridman Claims Latest Victims:
When will they learn?
via Veriy
We’ve said it before and we’re happy to say it again — James Fridman is a true artist: The Photoshop Troll Is Back Making Works Of Art For All Of Us To Laugh At
Photoshop Troll James Fridman Claims Latest Victims
Yet Jesse Ventura's lifeless eyes remain unfazed.
Hard at Work
You gotta hand it to him, he aims to please.
Mouthing Off
The subtle digs are the best digs.
The Bugatti and the Nottie
You just got dogged.
Lady in Red
Strangely enough, the Spider-Man bookbag doesn't appear to be a Photoshop addition.
Permanent Solution
The blue of the water really brings out her eyeglasses.
Dats Racist
Unless you do that.
Green Shirt
So many layers to this one.
Porta Potty
No carnival is complete without one.
So Handsome
He's much shorter in person.
Checking Out
Now that's a surefire good time.
Put My Head On My Shoulder
Now they're practically twins.
Stick Wars
Those are gonna look great on Instagram later.
Lights, Camera, Action
He doesn't give Jim enough credit.
Put it back! Put it back!
The Invisible Man
You'd think he was never there.