Yep, still plenty of idiots out there.
Remember a while back when a mob of terrible, garbage people killed a dolphin because they wanted to take a selfie with it? They literally killed an animal just for a damn selfie. Well guess what? Two idiots thought it would be a good idea to harm a turtle in order to take a lame photo.
An idiot from Australia named Ricky Rogers and his equally as dumb friend are facing a $15,000 fine for, and get this: standing on the back of a turtle like total assholes. And if that doesn’t make you want to punch their head, their caption will: “Surfed a tortoise on zee weekend.. gnarly duddddeeee.” Yep, now you hate them.
Take a look at the dumb photo below:
Photo: Facebook
The idiots quickly noticed the negavitiy their photo was getting, as it was shared over 4,000 times in order to get to draw attention to the case of animal cruelty, that they deleted the photo and put all their social media profiles on private. But of course now it’s too late. Why? Because this is the internet and people got screenshots of it.
No word yet if the turtle is alive or not, but another photo shows the turtle’s head in the ground with the letters ‘RIP’ in the sand.
Photo: Facebook
A Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services spokesperson said that they’ve launched an investigation into the incident. They are trying to figure out if the turtle was dead or not before the dumbasses stood on it.
“There is some evidence to suggest that this turtle was deceased at the time of the photo. QPWS are taking this matter seriously and investigating further,” they said.
Regardless, these idiots should have everyone in Australia stand on their head. I feel that’s a solid punishment.
But check out what the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Queensland spokesperson Michael Beatty said: “These guys are just complete idiots — there’s no way they should be doing what they were doing. Per usual, they’ve been idiots and posted it on Facebook…(and) hopefully people on Facebook will let them know what idiots they were.”
Yep, they are idiots.
h/t Distractify