Dads. They’re out there. Just waiting to make you cringe with a classic, corny dad joke. Dad jokes have become a phenomenon. No one knows why we love them, yet hate them so. Everyone has a dad who has told at least one joke that they remember for its sheer badness. Well, not everyone, but let’s not go there.
The following dad jokes are perhaps the greatest dad jokes in the history of dad jokes. If you’ve ever wondered if there’s a glossary of horrible dad jokes to pull from, in the case that you’re a new father, look no further. We’ve accumulated the best, and made memes out of them. This article is in dedication to not only Clark Griswold, the greatest exemplar of a father to strike the silver screen in the past few generations, but a tribute to dads everywhere.
We might hate them the moment they tell the joke, but eventually, we love them for it. If you have any more, we’d be happy to hear them.
The Best Dad Joke Memes on the Internet:
You have to admit, for as cringeworthy as they are, dad jokes are surprisingly effective at getting a laugh.
Keep the dad jokes rolling: The Emotionally Available Dad Meme
Best Dad Jokes On The Internet
White Paint
What's red and smells like white paint?
Red paint.
New Broom
There's a new type of broom out.
It's sweeping the nation.
Bird Shit
Do you know what the white part of bird shit is made of?
Bird shit.
The Sushis and the Bees
What did the sushi say to the bumblebee?
Holy Water
How do you make holy water?
You boil the hell out of it.
Will Smith
How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
Look for the fresh prints.
Change A Tire
How many South Americans does it take to change a light bulb?
A Brazilian.
A steak pun is a rare medium well done.
The Bra and the Hat
What did the bra say to the hat?
You go on a head, I gotta give these two a lift.
Black Magic Lab
What do you call a dog that can do magic tricks?
A labracadabrador.
The Old Lady and the Well
You know why the old lady fell down the well?
She didn't see that well.
Drowning Hippie
Why didn't the lifeguard rescue the hippie?
'Cause he was too far out, man.
The jackhammer was a groundbreaking invention.
Smell Mop
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Smell mop.
Smell mop who?
No thanks.
Life Savers
Did you hear about the guy who invented Life Savers?
They say he made a mint.
Crabs Against Charity
Why do crabs never give to charity?
Because they're shellfish.
Deer Blind
What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No eye deer.
Did you hear about the scarecrow who won the award?
He was out standing in his field.
Fake Noodle
What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta.
Knock Knock Joke
Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock knock joke?
He won the no bell prize.