British Lad That Took Selfie With Hijacker Just Got Photoshopped Into More Inapproriate Situations

By now everyone is aware of the selfie that British tourist Ben Innes took with EgyptAir hijacker Seifedeen Mustafa. The whole world saw Innes smiling next to Mustafa, who happened to be strapped with what was later found to be a fake bomb.

Check out the photo below:

Well of course, since the Internet is always on and doing their thing, they decided to throw Innes into other inappropriate situations, with Ben just casually smiling once again in every one of them.

Check out Ben having the time of his life below thanks to Twitter user Mockeree:

Ben Innes: always at the wrong place, but with the right picture.

h/t The LAD Bible

Ben hasn’t found himself in these yet: This Guy Is Currently Making The Most Hilarious Photoshop Pics On The Internet


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