Woman On Splash Mountain Shows Her Husband How Pissed Off She Is With The Internet’s Help

All Jordan Alexander wanted was for her husband, Steven, to join her on Disney World’s Splash Mountain. But since he’s a man and all we do is disappoint women, he refused to do so.

“It was hot and I was getting tired, but she really wanted to go on Splash Mountain and I had promised her earlier that I would go on it with her,” Steven told local New York outlet WHAM. Jordan ended going on the ride, but she made sure to show Steven just how pissed she was while on the ride.

Take a look at the original photo from the ride below:

Let’s go in a little closer and see that pissed-off mug:

After Steven posted the photo on Imgur for all to see, the Internet did what it does best and photoshopped the picture, creating even funnier pictures. Check out the best of them below:

h/t Someecards

Check this out: This Guy Is Currently Making The Most Hilarious Photoshop Pics On The Internet