Teacher Humiliates Student After Overhearing Her Plans To Cheat On Exam

I know that studying for an exam is a drag, and staying up late drinking your face off and stuffing cold pizza down your food hole is the more appealing option. But if you’re going to discuss plans to cheat on an exam, you should probably make sure the professor whose exam you plan to cheat on isn’t sitting within earshot of you.

Check out what one professor did when she heard of one student’s cheating plans. She posted the story on the What Prof Hears Twitter (a Twitter that seems to have been taken down), an account run by an anonymous history professor at USC, who will post some of the more salacious things overheard in her classroom.

Damn, Trish. Should have just paid some seedy kid for the answer key.

Via The Chive

These teachers know the feeling: Teachers Who Don’t Give A Damn Anymore