This Passive-Aggressive Office Sign Just Got Passive-Aggressively One-Upped

You should never be coy with your insults. After all, isn’t the point of calling someone out on their bullshit the satisfaction of witnessing how they react? This is made even more fulfilling when you know you’re in the right. So we don’t know what was going through the person’s head who made the office sign below. Well, other than, “I’m a non-confrontational baby who likes to do things the hard way by leaving wussy notes around the office that make me an even more hated person in the process.”

Seriously, is anyone on the first note’s side after that sweet second note zinger? I mean, I clearly hate when assholes have obnoxious, obstructive conversations in the middle of a crowded hallway, but I still can’t back it.

(via Imgur)

Here are a few more brilliant examples of how not to live your life: 18 Notes Left By Passive Aggressive Professionals


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