Here’s another case of someone who thought it would be a good idea to get the name of their significant other tattooed on their skin.
A dude named James went ahead and got the name of his girlfriend and the date they met tattooed on his arm. Now, they had known each other for six years, but like a swift kick of irony, James and his girlfriend broke up just a week after James got the tattoo.
Instead of getting the thing removed or putting a big dragon or panther over it to cover up his mistake, James went another route in order to explain his past relationship. Check out how James covered up the tattoo that was supposed to prove how much he loved his now ex-girlfriend:

According to James’ friend Lewis, his friends think it’s pretty funny, but I think it’s mainly because they don’t have to walk around with it.
“Not many people know about his wonky new cover-up but the few who do just sort of laugh with that ‘Oh God’ expression on their face,” Lewis said.
Next time just go with the singing telegram to show your love, James.
Via The Lad Bible
Maybe this needs a “Void, shit happens” cover-up: Man Wants ‘Murder’ Tattoo Removed Before Murder Trial