Today’s Funny Photos

Today’s funny photos are here to soothe your mind and body after you probably did some horrible things over the weekend. And if you didn’t do some horrible things, you probably thought about it — like how many times did you fantasize telling your boss off? All while your coworkers cheer and hoist you up on their shoulders, as they cheer your name. But then you are quickly snapped back to reality by the heavy breath of your boss near your ear. Well, for now take it easy. All you have to do is scroll and laugh and quitting time will be right around the corner. So that’s some positive news.

Since you aren’t getting enough of us, you have to do this in order to get more of us: Follow Mandatory on Twitter.

Are you following us on Instagram? You’re aren’t? Well, we are offended, but don’t worry. You can fix this: Follow Mandatory on Instagram.

Now go out there and be the best person you can be. Or at least pretend to be, because that also counts.

Don’t worry, there are always more Funny Photos on Mandatory, and you can laugh while you wait for that “pizza.”