Bizarre Alien-Like Creature Found In California Is Freaking The Hell Out Of Everyone

Photo: Facebook

I remember quite clearly when the chupacabra was wreaking havoc everywhere and people were saying it was some freaky alien-thing. Now it looks like those alien folks may have left another one of their creatures behind because a woman posted a photo of something that has been freaking everyone out. It would be nice if extraterrestrials could learn to dispose their shit properly.

Gianna Peponis of California allegedly heard a scream come from outside just before midnight. Since she’s clearly never seen a horror movie before, she went to check out where the scream came from and found this in her yard:

Bizarre Alien-Like Creature Found In California Is Freaking The Hell Out Of Everyone

Photo: Facebook

I don’t know what that hell that is, and Gianna had no clue either, so she posted it to Facebook because that’s where people go for answers nowadays, I guess:

Screengrab: Facebook

Everyone has their guesses as to what it may be, ranging from a premature lamb to chicken from KFC. The latter is more probable.

What do you think?

Via The Lad Bible

What happened to adorable aliens like E.T.? Odd Alien ‘Facehugger’ Spotted Crawling Out Of Cave On Mars


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