If you’re looking for something to squelch your appetite, then by all means, please continue.
According to Metro, a 40-year-old British lawyer on vacation damn near lost his leg from the bite of a flesh-eating spider, one that he said was an unwanted passenger on a Qatar Airlines flight from Qatar to South Africa.
Jonathan Hogg said the spider pigged out on his leg at some point during the flight, and the venom left behind basically began eating away at his leg several hours later.
“By the time I got to the hospital, my leg was bursting open,” Hogg said. “There was puss and it was black. The pain was like nothing I’ve been through in my life.”
Hogg also said he initially thought the pain was the result of “deep-vein thrombosis,” but that obviously wasn’t the case. He’s now suing the airline, probably because your leg isn’t supposed to look like this after you step off a plane…
Last warning …

Still have an appetite? If so, then this one should finish it off: A Woman Was Attacked In Bed By A Spider And The Photos Are Horrific