A New App Will Show You How Many People You’ve Actually Had Sex With

Instead of looking aimlessly into nothing and trying to figure out how many people you’ve slept with, a new British pharmacy chain’s app will do the work for you and determine the actual number of people you’ve hooked up with by adding up the number of people they’ve slept with and so on… and so on…

Since it’s currently sexual health week in the U.K., Lloyds Pharmacy has released a new handy sex calculator that will help you learn how many people you’ve indirectly had contact with. It’s pretty simple: enter how many sexual partners you remember hooking up with (aim for a ballpark figure if you can’t remember) according to age group and gender.

That information is then calculated to show you your number of actual partners. The app does this process five more times too. We’ve all had sex with Kevin Bacon, probably.

The actual purpose of this app is not to make you feel awful, but instead to raise awareness about sexually transmitted diseases and to remind you to get sexually tested.

“We’ve calculated your partners’ partners, and their partners’ partners, and so on — for just six degrees. It’s shocking how quickly the numbers shoot up.”

“This calculator illustrates how exposed you can be to STIs, and how important safe sex is.”

Not everyone feels this app is helpful, as Zhana Vrangalova, a sex researcher at NYU says, “Given that most people will have multiple partners in their lives, I think this number is pointless. It might make for a cool gimmick, but in terms of health and prevention of STIs, it’s completely useless.”

Tell us how you really feel, Zhana.

While Zhana might be correct, it’s still quite interesting to see how many people you’ve actually bedded. That’s right, bedded.

Via Mic

Might as well enjoy yourself: Meet Mixxxer, The Sex App We All Knew Was Coming


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