Chinese Man Has 11-Pound Turd Surgically Removed After 10 Years Of Severe Constipation

So, exactly how much cheese did this guy eat?

Call us crazy, but we probably would have done something about it after, oh, I don’t know, 10 days. But according to Fark, a 27-year-old man in Chengdu, China, who had suffered through 10 long years of severe constipation, recently underwent an emergency surgery to remove an 11-pound stool that was stuck in his colon.

We are by no means experts, but we’re pretty sure that’ll do it.

After a few hospital visits revealed nothing out of the ordinary, X-rays finally led to the discovery that “the patient’s heart had shifted to the right because his colon had swelled to twice the normal size.” When that happens, it means you have congenital megacolon, and that can cause “paralysis of the movements of the bowel and can sometimes lead to fecal tumors.”

And it can also apparently lead to 11-pound turds.

The man is currently in recovery, and we can only imagine that the first crap that he takes on his own this week is going to bring a tear to his eye, and it’s finally going to be a good tear.

Apparently, all he had to do was eat some broccoli: Foods That Make You Poop


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