A Boy Tripped In A Museum And Punched A Hole Through A Painting Worth $1.5 Million

But tell us how you really feel about art, kid.

What started off as an innocent visit to the museum turned out to be a nightmare. When the 12-year-old Taiwanese boy tripped, he caught himself…by accidentally punching a hole into a painting at the Face of Leonardo: Images of a Genius exhibition in Taipei.

Video caught a very healthy boy with a drink in hand (maybe he was drunk) trip over his own foot and land a fist size hole into a 350-year-old Pablo Porpora oil on canvas painting titled Flowers. A painting that is worth $1.5 million. I don’t know if this kid’s allowance will cover that.

Luckily for the boy, his family won’t have to pay for the 17th century painting as exhibition organizer Sun-Chi-hsuan says the boy should not be blamed and the painting is insured.

The painting, which depicts flowers in a vase, is already being restored by well-known restorer Tsai Shun who says the goal is to “strengthen its structure,” and not to retouch “the paint on the damaged area.”

I guess someone should damaged one of this kid’s drawings off his mom’s fridge just to call it even.

Via The Guardian