Well, that’s one way to get your point across.
Susan Surrette, a 54-year-old Floridian escort and porn star who goes by the amazing name of Kayla Kupcakes, recently flashed a judge during a bond hearing at a Broward County courtroom. Surrette was arrested for disorderly conduct and lifted her shirt in order to show the judge bruises she says she received while being arrested by officers.
“I’ve been beaten on by police. And also, this too,” Ms. Kupcakes said as she lifted her shirt.
And just in case a local porn agent didn’t see Susan when she showed the judge her girls, Susan decided to show them one more time, this time for the cameras while leaving the Broward jail after paying her $100 bond.

As she was exiting the jail a cameraman asked her about her flashing incident to which Susan replied, “Yeah, what about it? There’s a bruise right there! You see it?!” All of this while exposing her breasts again.
The judge ordered that Susan undergo a mental health evaluation, but maybe Susan is just proud of her boobs. I mean, she’s a porn star. Susan says she will be filing a complaint at the police department.
I will be very disappointed if Kayla Kupcakes doesn’t now star in a low budget porn that involves her hooking up with a judge in a courtroom.
Via NBC Miami
Strippers do it, too: A Stripper Once Showed Her Panties to a Judge to Have Her Charges Dropped