This Woman Is A Vaginal Weightlifter Because You Should Always Reach For The Stars

The next time you’re at the gym complaining because the weights are too heavy and you can’t lift it, just know that there is a woman out there that can lift stuff with her vagina. That’s right: her vagina.

Woman are already tougher than us because they push humans out of them, but now 44-year-old Kim Anami is showing the world that she can lift stuff up with her vagina too. On Kim’s Instagram she calls herself a “Holistic sex + relationship expert,” and “Vaginal weight lifter.” That resume must be one fun read.

Kim travels the world holding seminars and educating people on how powerful the vagina can be.

You may be wondering why a person would want to lift anything with their genitals, but Kim says that it has improved her sex life.

“My sex life has improved radically and when I started weight lifting with my vagina my partner noticed the difference immediately.I can have multiple orgasms, I’d say ten or fifteen orgasms in a row. I can have an energy orgasm, which means an orgasm with takes place without touch, meaning I can have sex with my partner when he’s on the other side of the room or even on the other side of the planet. So even hearing his voice or just thinking about him, I can have an orgasm.”

Kim actually calls her weightlifting talents “Vaginal Kung Fu,” which may or may not be a porn video I once saw a few hundred times.

Here, I present, the first of the #thingsiliftwithmyvagina #eurotour: Me, at the Berlin Wall, lifting a piece of the former wall. With my vagina. It’s the Great Wall of Vagina! Much of my work is about breaking down sexual barriers: opening conversations about sex and daring to say the things that deep down (very deep, like cervix deep) people want to hear and say, but generally don’t. Then there is the literal work, the opening of the genitals. The de-armoring, the breaking down of past trauma and the healing of it. There are the emotional walls that we erect to protect ourselves. The choice to fear instead of open. Because it feels safer to not trust. We’ve been burned before. Until all of these barriers come down, until we soften and chip away at the hardness, we can’t fully feel. We can’t fully love. We can’t fully orgasm. And we can’t fully live. Over the years, on my own journey to wholeness, it’s been a constant work in progress to open, and to stay open. When you do the work, the deep, internal work of breaking down your own self-imposed barriers, you’ll find a whole other universe on the other side. The world, just like an open and trusting vagina, opens up to you and nourishes you. And that’s where the gold is: the deepest love, the best orgasms and the feeling that all is right in the universe and yourself. When you dare to open and stay open. Kx #vaginalkungfu #thingsiliftwithmyvagina #eurotour #openheartopenlegs

A photo posted by Kim Anami (@kimanami) on

Kim says she can lift up to ten pounds of various items. So keep on lifting, Kim. Check out some more pictures of Kim and her talented vagina below.

Via Uproxx


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