19 Weird Magazines That Have Actually Been Published

Man throwing pages of a magazine; Photo: Image Source(Getty Images)

Magazines are successful as long as they effectively appeal to a reader’s interests. For this reason, many magazines cover a veritable landscape of topics from grooming to sex, diet to fitness, and so on. Take GQ, Esquire, Men’s Health, and Maxim, for example. Each of these very successful men’s lifestyle titles address multiple topics to which readers can find something that could earn them a subscription. This is why the following publications have made this unconventional list; the topics and subject matter in the pages of these weird magazines are incredibly strange and bizarre, yet they’ve managed to become at least somewhat successful in their run. Below, are 19 of the weirdest magazines we could find.

Weird Magazines


According to their website, “Sheep! Magazine explores a wide range of sheep-related topics of interest to sheep growers and sheep product marketers at all levels of experience.” The website also offers t-shirts and bumper stickers to better proclaim your love for the world’s most fascinating petting zoo animal.

Girls And Corpses Magazine

Girls & Corpses describes itself as “Sort of like Maxim Magazine meets Dawn Of The Dead.” It also proclaims to be the first comedy magazine about death – for good reason, probably.

Fashion Doll Quarterly

A magazine dedicated to posing dolls realistically as if they’re attending parties and elegant events. According to their website, the latest edition is sold out, which can only mean doll collectors are a much larger market than we initially believed them to be.

PRO: Portable Restroom Operator

This magazine is full of shit. (See what I did there?)

Cranes Today

If you’re this into cranes, you should probably get out more.

Miniature Donkey Talk

The magazine started as a three-page newsletter 25 years ago, and is now a full-color magazine for God knows what reason. The magazine’s creators claim to have been in the donkey business for over 30 years and have had nearly 100 miniature donkeys in their family. Sounds about right.

Sew News

The worst part about Sew News is that their Facebook page boasts almost 90,000 followers.

Tan Magazine

An Australian publication for nudists chock full of people you’d never want to see naked.


The official publication of the American Fence Association, or: the only people who give a shit about a magazine about fences.

Cowboys & Indians

This one’s actually a very popular magazine. The name has very little to do with its values, which, according to the website, are: history and legend, hardworking people, and dramatic vistas. They’ve also had many male celebrities on their cover. Look! Brad Pitt!

LifeStyle Magazine

Stuck in a shitty marriage? Subscribe to this magazine and become acquainted with the swinger lifestyle that your partner most certainly won’t agree with.

Stained Glass Quarterly

So, this is a thing. As is Stained Patterns Quarterly.

The Croquet Gazette

I’ve never seen croquet played outside of a film. Therefore, I refuse to believe grown men actually do this.

Shotgun News!


I Love Cats

Unfortunately, this is one of many magazines dedicated to cats. What’s worse, this is probably the least surprising publication on the list.

Model Airplane News

This magazine is exclusively for dads who avoid their families by spending weekends in the garage with a fully stocked beer fridge.

Twins Magazine

“The magazine for multiples since 1984!” How they’ve come up will compelling content about twins for so many years is beyond me.

Potato Review

If there are any articles about vodka or loaded fries, I might take a look.

Lighthouse Digest

Why, just why?

Weird Magazines? How About Weird Dating Apps?



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