Florida Teacher Suspended After Allegedly Twerking With Her Students

The whole “receiving a lap dance from a student” thing probably didn’t help matters either.

According to The Florida Times-Union, a Jacksonville middle school teacher has been suspended for 15 days after she was accused of drinking alcohol and twerking with students at an end-of-the-year soccer team party in May.

Courtney Spruill is a physical education and health teacher at Kernan Middle School, and she is also the paid sponsor or assistant coach for the girls’ soccer team. To celebrate the team’s season, a parent of one of the girls decided to throw a party at her house for the players and coaches.

Everything was just peachy until a student tattled on Spruill for “drinking alcohol and twerking on players” at the party. There was also a cellphone video of Spruill receiving a lap dance from a student that was used during the school district’s review.

The woman who owned the party house said Spruill brought vodka as a housewarming gift but only drank soda. However, the district acknowledged that Spruill used a “gross exercise of poor judgment” and suspended her.

Well, it looks like we know of one girl who won’t be making the team next year.

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