Do you want one of these t-shirts for free? Of course you do. Because Mandatory is awesome. And those t-shirts are awesome. (No guarantees that you will look as awesome as our models in your t-shirt, but come on, it’s still a pretty sweet deal.)
To win your shirt, fill out the entry form below and if you’re one of the first 50 people to sign up starting at 6:15 PM ET on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 (and you live within the United States), you will get your very own super cool Mandatory t-shirt. What are you waiting for? Sign up already! If you win, we’ll reach out to you for more info and then — boom! — you get a free random shirt that we’ll pick for you out of our variety of designs and sizes. What’s not to love? Do it. And if you were too slow, you can still buy your own Mandatory t-shirt at the Mandatory shop.