Australians all let us rejoice for the term “budgie smugglers” has finally been given the recognition it deserves after the Oxford English Dictionary announced it would be adding the popular Australian slang term for Speedos to its already slang-heavy list of words.
While it’s certainly been a long time coming, I think we all know who to thank for the iconic expression’s inclusion – Tony Abbott. At least he has that legacy to hold onto other than just introducing us to a novel new way to enjoy onions.

Mind you it wasn’t just budgie smugglers that made the cut this year with a whole host of internet slang also being included in what many see as the definitive list of official English words.
Also included were internet abbreviations ICYMI, TBH, ROFL, FWIW as well as sister from another mister, fro-yo, glamping, dudette, stupid o’clock and even the chavtastic spelling of bother, bovver, of corse made famous by Catherine Tate.

Apparently though quite a few are “bovvered” with the addition of so many slang terms and non-words. However, OED Senior Editor Jonathon Dent made a blog post earlier this year addressing such detractors and explaining how the English language is a fluid living thing and not a stagnant pool of words, essentially throwing shade on the haters in the most upper-class British was possible.