Trolling #39: X-Men: The Last Stand RULES!

There is constant argument amongst fans as to what the best of the X-Men feature films is. The fight is usually between those who prefer the steely clarity of X2: X-Men United, and the slick and sexy period piece X-Men: First Class. To go on record, I am a fan of X2 more than I am a fan of First Class, and feel it is the superior film. Jus’ my taste. Although both are fine and entertaining movies.

One thing fans can agree wholeheartedly on, however, is the 2006 entry in the series, X-Men: The Last Stand, the third in this (as of this coming Friday) seven-film-long cycle. The Last Stand was abandoned by the series’s directorial originator Bryan Singer, and replaced by Brett Ratner, a director many feel to be a Hollywood hack-for-hire. X-Men: The Last Stand received a critically “meh” reaction, eventually leveling off on Rotten Tomatoes at 58% (only 61% and higher counts as “fresh” over there). And while Last Stand did make a lot of money (indeed, it’s the highest earner of any of the X-Men films), it also holds some sort of record for having one of the most dramatic drop-offs in profit from its first week to its second in blockbuster history. Word of mouth spread quickly on this one, and fans rejected it sourly and noisily.

Of course, it is the hated, the wounded, and the attacked that we bravely and proudly defend here at Trolling. It is time, dear readers, to pick up X-Men: The Last Stand, brush it off, and perhaps reveal to your hatred-blinded eyes that it is actually not an awful film. Indeed, it is time to make the following unqualified statement: X-Men: The Last Stand RULES! Let’s do the rundown as to why:

The story is busy, there are perhaps too many plotlines, and a lot of people objected to the big changes and deaths in the series. Overall the film feels a bit sloppy. But, when looked at from a certain angle, one can see that The Last Stand is the biggest, most ambitious, most character-driven film in the series. It tried new things, presented new ideas, and attempted to make something more than a predictable superhero blockbuster. You might find that it’s better than you remember.

Until next week, let the hate mail flow.  

Witney Seibold is the head film critic for Nerdist, and a contributor on the CraveOnline Film Channel, and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. You can read his weekly articles Trolling here on Crave, and follow him on “Twitter” at @WitneySeibold, where he is slowly losing his mind.