Earlier today, 20th Century Fox released the first full trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse. And to the surprise of absolutely no one, Marvel Comics revealed that it plans to bring Apocalypse back into the X-Men titles just in time to ride the wave of publicity from the movie.
X-Men: Apocalypse Wars will be a thematic crossover between the three X-Men books from Uncanny X-Men, Extraordinary X-Men, and All-New X-Men as one of their most dangerous foes returns. Essentially, each book will tell a different Apocalypse story in each title that will be largely self-contained, but also tied to are a larger narrative. The preview art for the series suggests that the original Apocalypse will be back in the modern day X-Men books for the first time since 2006. It’s fitting because “The Blood of Apocalypse” storyline featured Apocalypse’s return when mutankind was threatened with extinction. Similar circumstances have arisen in Marvel’s current post-Secret Wars world.

The other two “Apocalypses” in the new crossover event are apparently Warren Worthington III a.k.a. Archangel and Evan Sabahnur, the young clone of Apocalypse.

During Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force run, Archangel became the heir to Apocalypse before his mind was wiped and his body restored to a more human-like appearance. However, Archangel fathered two children who became known as the Apocalypse Twins within the pages of Uncanny Avengers.

Despite being a clone of Apocalypse, Evan Sabahnur has rejected the villainous legacy of his genetics. Evan was briefly transformed into Apocalypse in the Axis crossover, but he was restored by the end of the storyline.
The X-Men: Apocalypse event will begin in March 2016, with Extraordinary X-Men # 8 by Jeff Lemire and Humberto Ramos. In April, Uncanny X-Men # 6 kicks off its Apocalypse storyline with Cullen Bunn and guest artist Ken Lashley. Finally, All-New X-Men # 9 will start its tie-in story in May with Dennis Hopeless and artist Mark Bagley.
What do you think will happen in the X-Men: Apocalypse Wars crossover? Share your predictions below!