Pokemon developer Game Freak announced that a “core Pokemon RPG” would be making its way to the Nintendo Switch in the future.
Though no new information was revealed, this is huge news for Pokemon fans who have been hoping that a game comparable to the handheld series would be making its way to the hybrid console. Though Game Freak has largely abstained from producing console Pokemon games, it seems that the Switch has won them over, with The Pokemon Company’s Tsunekazu Ishihara revealing that the game is currently in development.
The series is already making their way to the Switch in the form of the Pokken Tournament DX remaster, though this is the first time that we’ll receive a Pokemon Switch RPG similar to the game’s hugely popular handheld series. There’s no word yet on whether or not the game will essentially be a home console version of Game Freak’s portable Pokemon games, or will fall more in line with the GameCube’s Pokemon Colosseum, but either way Game Freak has at least responded to fan requests by making a Pokemon Switch game that isn’t a spin-off.

Fans have long developed images depicting what a home console Pokemon game oculd look like.
As was also the case with Nintendo’s Metroid Prime 4 reveal, no gameplay footage from the Pokemon Switch RPG was revealed, so it’s likely that it’s very early in development. However, with the aforementioned Pokken Tournament DX releasing later this year, at least pocket monster fans will have something to tide them over until they can Catch ‘Em All on the Switch.
Take a look at the upcoming game’s announcement in the video below: