This Heated Jacket Insert is Here to Warm Your Cold, Dead 2020 Heart

Every holiday season marks annual milestones: the end of the year, the start of unabridged merriment, and the not-so-warm welcoming to some seriously cold weather. Because, while the devil worked hard this year, old man winter is working harder. As a seasoned cold winter vet, you know a few things to be true: a good hot chocolate recipe is essential, that sidewalk isn’t gonna shovel itself, and there’s no price to put on being extra toasty. Cue in The Torch 2.0 Coat Heater, an insert for your jacket to warm even the coldest of bones.

After a few seconds of velcro stick-on installation, with the touch of a button, this 4oz lifesaver is there for you on the chilliest of days. With three different heat zones and three heat settings, you’ll spend about four hours a charge wondering how all this snow stays frozen in the heat of the tropical islands before you remember you’re just cheating and actually live in a polar vortex.

Another cool feature of this hot item is the USB port you can use to charge your phone so you can finish planning your 2021 trip (fingers crossed) to where the air doesn’t hurt your face. The best part? You’ll be up to 120 degrees warmer than the next schlub on the block blowing snow into the street where it doesn’t belong. That said, it is the holiday season, after all, so it could be a good idea to splurge for a few to gift to neighbors (yes, even that guy).

Torch Coat Heater Promotional Video- Second Generation Torch 2.0 Universal Coat Heater

Need more reasons? The 468 backers that raised $38,744 in favor of this product on Indiegogo would like a word.

This absolutely necessary heated insert for your coat, which includes a power bank, charger, and two velcro installation kits, usually runs for $99, but you can grab it here for $67.99, for a 31% discount.

Prices subject to change.

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