Something tells me he didn't see this coming.
[Video] A preview of what to expect from the upcoming commercials for Super Bowl LI.
A disturbing set of claims in a new lawsuit against Baylor football claims there were at least 52 rapes in…
You'd think they could afford better barbers.
An Australian boy runs over a shark with his surfboard without a clue.
[VIdeo] Devin Stratton goes viral after his close encounter with death caught on camera.
"I'm afraid I've got some... good news?"
The women’s champion goes in-depth about the Flair legacy, leading the division and her PPV streak as she preps for…
[Video] The sports broadcaster announced his retirement at the end of the month. But boy, does he go out with…
Where do America's football, basketball, baseball and hockey stars come from? The initial answer will surprise you.