Fug beast, Kirsten Dunst, says that she is ready to quit Hollywood and go back to college. She hisses: Right…
For the past two months, Jessica Simpson has been saying she will be making a movie called “Blonde Ambition” with…
[singlepic id=1 w=600 h= float=center] Here is the first known image of Angelina Jolie as Mariane Pearl in the upcoming…
In the new issue of Allure magazine, Scarlett Johansson contends that she’s 100% monogamous. Well, most of the time. Sometimes.…
Jennifer Lopez needs her ass kicked [Hollywood Rag] Justin Timberlake will stop bringing sexy back [Popsugar] Kate Beckinsale forgot she…
Smallville actress, Erica Durance, walked out of the Howard Stern Show yesterday “crying hysterically” after Stern refused to talk about…
He kissed her. He touched her cold, dead bitch hands. Johnny, how dare you? You even allowed yourself to be…
A picture was taken as Paris Hilton opened her handbag to touch up her nail polish at a Dolce &…
Here’s a clip of Kevin Federline’s highly anticipated acting debut on this Thursday’s episode of CSI. It’s pretty short, but…
I far as I can tell, Amber Tamblyn has never been mentioned on this site before. She’s probably also never…