A petition is now being sent to the White House in order to get Leffen his visa.
According to reports, the theme park will open in August in the West Island of the city.
The Jimquisition host outlines his method of avoiding false copyright claims.
Rumors suggest Activision is looking to release a Modern Warfare remaster, which is good news for those hoping for a…
It is the year 2016, and video games are now announced using poo emoji.
The official confirmation of the Nintendo NX has raised more than a few eyebrows.
The open-world FPS has a brand new trailer and it's all kinds of ridiculous.
This U-shaped controller could be getting you into shape in the near future.
Blizzard also hint that they are working alongside Nostalrius' creators to bring the "pristine realm" to life.
Nathan Drake has got himself into trouble again in this final Uncharted 4 teaser trailer.