These video game ads offended and disgusted in equal measure.
Sony has predictably failed to support the PlayStation VR beyond its launch.
He'll now have to settle with being the second person in the US to own the Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo has now taken to blocking its own videos with copyright strikes, apparently.
Where's Half-Life 3, Gabe?!
Nintendo is introducing DLC to the main-line The Legend of Zelda series for the first time ever.
Before the Donald Trump campaign and Breitbart, Steve Bannon was helping ruin World of Warcraft.
Nioh's one of the toughest games we've ever played. Here's a guide to help you get started.
It's Nioh vs Dark Souls in a battle over which game can make you throw your controller through your TV…
Resident Evil 7 shares a lot more in common with the original games than you'd think.