Many have made comparisons between Far Cry 5 and current US politics.
Capcom's comments have proven controversial with Switch owners.
Nintendo's shares have risen to their highest point in nearly a decade due to the Switch's success.
Red Dead Redemption 2's new screenshots reveal more information than you probably thought.
Rockstar pushes Red Dead Redemption 2's release date back to spring 2018.
Vitality Rocky was crowned the best Ultimate Team player in the world in a thrilling final.
Here's all the new info about Destiny 2, one of the biggest games of the year.
Sonic Forces allows players to make their own custom heroes. Judging by Sonic fan art, this is probably a bad…
Microsoft has also filed an extension for the Scalebound trademark.
We cut through the rumors to bring you the E3 2017 predictions we're convinced will come true.