Here are the very best Star Wars games that you can play right now, as you let The Force Awakens…
Kojima may have left, but Metal Gear isn't dead.
Fans' suspicions seem to have been confirmed, as Kojima suggests MGSV was released incomplete.
What impact can we expect Kojima and Sony's new partnership to have on the gaming industry?
Kojima has officially left Konami and is now working with Sony in order to bring his next game to the…
Konami and Kojima have apparently officially parted ways, and Kojima is now working on his next game.
Call of Duty Points can now be used to buy Supply Drops.
From Dead or Alive Xtreme 3's jiggle physics not making it to the US, to Kojima and Konami's crumbling relationship,…
The developer claims that a Brutal Legend sequel will be "more likely" to happen if Psychonauts 2 is a success.
Square reveals more information about the remake, including details regarding its combat system.