Manchester City Fans Leave Stadium Before Manuel Pellegrini’s Farewell Speech

The vast majority of Manchester City fans did not stick around at the Etihad Stadium for manager Manual Pellegrini’s farewell speech, leaving after the final whistle had been blown in the club’s 2-2 draw against Arsenal, displaying their dissatisfaction with the club’s performance this season.

The home fans’ stands were said to only be a quarter full as Pellegrini began his speech, despite the manager having led them to the Premier League trophy in the 2013/14 season, along with the semi-finals of the Champions League this season. However, it seems that the club’s most recent Premier League bid, in which they are currently battling it out with Arsenal and Manchester United for a spot in the top four, led to many supporters refusing to stick around for his parting words.

In the speech, Pellegrini said: “I am sure next year you will be a very successful team in all the competitions,” before telling those who had stayed behind to listen to his speech: “I will never forget you.” A lone banner with a portrait of Pellegrini and a caption reading “This Charming Man” was waved in the stands, as a tepid round of applause followed him out of the Etihad.

Pellegrini will be replaced by Pep Guardiola, a decision that was made official earlier this year. After the announcement was made, Pellegrini stated that he had known of Guardiola’s appointment at the club one month prior to it being made public. Pellegrini will finish his duties with the club this season, before Guardiola steps in as his replacement before the start of the next season.


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