The Roots Recap ‘Game of Thrones’ In a 60 Second Rap

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, chances are good that you caught the sixth season premiere last Sunday. If HBO’s early metrics are correct, it may have even been the most watched episode of Game of Thrones across all platforms.

But on the off chance that anyone missed the season premiere, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon came up with a unique way to bring viewers and curious potential fans up to speed. At the urging of Fallon himself, Black Thought a.k.a. Tariq Luqmaan and his band The Roots launched into a 60-second rap that covered the events of the Game of Thrones season premiere. 

It’s actually a pretty solid recap of GoT, and they hit all of the high points, including Tyrion’s baby-eating slip of the tongue, the escape of Sansa and Theon, and the shocking visual of what Melisandre really looks like. But to start with, Jon Snow is still dead, and thus, he still knows nothing. Only a few subplots were left out, including Ser Davos’ stand at Castle Black, the drama with the Boltons as well as Daario and Jorah’s quest to find Daenerys. 

Despite the contrived setup from Fallon, this was actually a very fun segment, and it’s worthy of being a recurring feature on The Tonight Show. Whether that will actually happen remains to be seen.

What did you think about the Game of Thrones recap rap by Black Thought and The Roots? Share your thoughts in rhyme in the comment section below!

Photo Credit: NBC

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