For the first time since 2011, DC Comics is relaunching its entire lineup of superhero titles beginning in May for the DC Rebirth event. At WonderCon, DC staged a massive press conference/panel to announce the new titles. Basically, there’s a lot of Batman and Superman titles on the way, along with other returning favorites!
Some of DC’s new titles will be running twice a month, hence the multiple artists on a single book. Additionally, the price for the monthly DC Comics will remain at $2.99.
Newly exclusive writer Tom King was named the new writer of Batman, with David Finch as the new artist. Batman and Robin Eternal writer James Tynion IV is taking over Detective Comics, which is being reimagined as a Batman team book led by Batman and Batwoman, with Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Spoiler…and Clayface?! Eddy Barrows will be the new artist.
As for former Robin, Dick Grayson, he will once again be going by Nightwing in a new ongoing series written by Tim Seeley and drawn by Javi Fernandez and Marcus To. Hope Larson is the new Batgirl writer, with Rafael Albuquerque on art. Batgirl is also getting a second title: Batgirl and the Birds of Prey by Julie Benson & Shawna Benson, two of the writers from The 100.
One of the biggest surprises of the panel was the reveal of All-Star Batman, a new series which has nothing in common with the abruptly ended Frank Miller and Jim Lee Batman comic except the name. Scott Snyder will write the new All-Star Batman with Jock and John Romita, Jr. as the artists. Tula Lotay and Afua Richardson will also contribute to the series.
Intriguingly, classic Superman writer and artist Dan Jurgens is taking over Action Comics, with Lex Luthor as a new Superman, with pre-New 52 Lois Lane and Superman joining the cast of that book. Patrick Zircher, Tyler Kirkham and Stephen Segovia will be the artists of Action Comics.
Gene Yang is writing New Superman, which will follow the story of a new 17-year-old character named Kenji Kong in Shanghai. Steve Orlando will be writing the new Supergirl series, while Francis Manapul will write and draw Trinity, a new ongoing series that focuses on Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman as the core heroes of the DC Universe. Newly exclusive artist Clay Mann will alternate with Manapul on art.

Peter Tomasi and artist Patrick Gleason will co-write the new Superman series, with Gleason and Doug Mahnke as the artists. There will also be a new Superwoman series, with a new character using that title written by Phil Jimenez, who will also alternate on art with Emanuela Lupacchino.
Former Wonder Woman writer, Greg Rucka will be writing the new Wonder Woman book with artists Liam Sharp (drawing stories set in the present) and Nicola Scott (who will be drawing flashback stories with Diana in Wonder Woman: Year One).
Bryan Hitch will be the new writer of Justice League, with Hitch on art with Tony Daniel, and Fernando Pasarin. Joshua Williamson will introduce a number of new speedsters in The Flash, with Carmine Di Giandomenico and Neil Googe as the artists. The Green Lantern franchise is being split into two books: Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps by Robert Venditti and artists Ethan Van Sciver and Rafa Sandoval. The other book, Green Lanterns will be written by Sam Humphries with art by Robson Rocha and Ardian Syaf. Green Lanterns will focus on Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz, two of the more recent Green Lanterns as a duo in space.
John Semper is the new writer of Cyborg, with Will Conrad and Paul Pelletier as art, while Dan Abnett will remain as the writer of Aquaman with artist Brad Walker. Abnett is also writing Titans with artist Brett Booth, which appears to be focusing on the adult team of original Titans.
Unsurprisingly, the Harley Quinn creative team of Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti with artists Chad Hardin and John Timms will remain intact. Jim Lee and Rob Williams are collaborating on the new Suicide Squad comic, with artist Philip Tan and Lee sharing art duties. The book will have a very Suicide Squad movie friendly lineup including Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Katana, Boomerang, and a few other characters.
Near the end of the panel, DC offered rapid fire announcements for most of the remaining books. Ben Percy, with artists Otto Schmidt and Juan Ferreyra on Green Arrow, Scott Lobdell remaining with Red Hood & the Outlaws with artist Dexter Soy, Deathstroke by writer Christopher Priest (in his first comic work in years) with artists Carlo Pagulayan, Igor Vitorino and Felipe Watanabe. Simon Oliver and Moritat are teaming up for The Hellblazer relaunch, and Blue Beetle is getting an ongoing series by writer Keith Giffen and artist Scott Kolins.
Jurgens will remain with Batman Beyond with incoming artist Bernard Chang, while the Teen Titans ongoing will be written by Percy with art by Jonboy Meyers. The creative teams for Justice League of America and Super Sons were held back for the time being.
What do you think about DC’s Rebirth lineup? Let us know in the comment section below!