Exclusive Preview Scene | Outsiders Season 1 Episode 6

Isn’t it amazing what a drone can do? On WGN America’s Outsiders, a drone was sent by the coal company to spy on the Farrell clan in the Shay mountain. But Asa (Joe Anderson) got his hands on the drone, and he had it repurposed. Thanks to the drone, Asa now has the dirt on Ned Osborn (Jason McCune) and plans to use him against the coal company.

In CraveOnline’s exclusive preview scene from Outsiders episode 6, Asa pays a special visit to Ned’s home in a bid to stop construction on the mountain immediately. And while Ned appears to have grown a backbone, Asa isn’t exactly intimidated.

In last week’s episode of Outsiders, Asa and Big Foster (David Morse) had a bit of “rock ’em, sock ’em” fun with the coal company’s equipment while the newly installed sheriff, Wade Houghton (Thomas M. Wright) was once again pressured to evict the Farrells from their mountain. But Houghton can only hold back the inevitable for so long…

Here’s the synopsis for this week’s episode of Outsiders, courtesy of WGN America:

“Lady Ray is furious with Big Foster and Asa for their antics. Big Foster decides they need more guns and plans another run, and G’Win tells Asa it’s up to him to stop it. Meanwhile, Asa continues to threaten Ned and Houghton finds the body of the man who shot Elon. Sally-Ann and Hasil’s relationship takes a turn.”

What did you think of the latest Outsiders preview scene? Let us know in the comment section below!

Photo Credit: WGN America

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