The original “teenagers with attitude” are back!
Boom! Studios’ new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book is launching this week with a new story by writer Kyle Higgins and artist Hendry Prasetya. For this series, the story is taking place in the present, while filling in a previously unseen part of Power Rangers history.
Tommy Oliver a.k.a. the Green Ranger was empowered by Rita Repulsa to destroy the Power Rangers…and he very nearly did it! After Tommy was freed from Rita’s control, the other Power Rangers, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Trini, and Billy invited Tommy to join the team. This story takes place shortly after that adventure, with Tommy unsure about his place on the team…and the other Rangers may have good reasons not to trust him!
Boom! Studios has passed along the first six pages from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers # 0, which reveals some intriguing things about Tommy’s mindset and hints that Rita’s plans for him are far from over.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0 will also feature backup stories by Steve Orlando & artist Corin Howell and Mairghread Scott & artist Daniel Bayliss.
Boom! Studios will release Mighty Morphin Power Rangers # 0 this Wednesday, January 13 in comic stores everywhere.