Now that we’ve had enough time to adequately explore the sprawling landscape of Fallout 4‘s Wasteland, there have been a number of hints suggesting that for the game’s first DLC offering, players may be required to venture underwater.
Firstly, there was the unveiling of a harpoon gun found hidden within the game’s code. After doing some digging, modder xxdeathknight72xx made the unique weapon available to PC players, with it being revealed that the gun fires out bubbles alongside its ammo – an animation which highlights how the gun was clearly intended to be used underwater.
Check it out in the video below:
Now let’s remind ourselves of the concept art that was shown shortly following the game’s announcement, which included a number of references to possible underwater content.
Firstly, there’s the below image of a man standing at the bottom of a body of water:

Then there’s this image showing a first-person perspective of an underwater area:

There’s also this image of what appears to be an octopus in the upper left-hand corner:

Concept art of a submarine:

And finally, a player in a suit of Power Armor, exploring the depths:

This last image has now been made even more intriguing due to Reddit user Lavonicus having actually discovered a wearable suit of Power Armor underwater in the game:

All this leads us to two possible conclusions: either Bethesda was planning underwater content for Fallout 4 and scrapped it prior to the game’s release, or we’ll be seeing Fallout 4 DLC that will be set underwater in the future. We’re hoping for the latter, so that us console players of the game can get our hands on that harpoon gun.