Stephen Colbert Celebrates ‘A Very Rollins Christmas’ on The Late Show

Whether you celebrate Christmas or embrace the War on Christmas (Happy Holidays!), there’s always room to enjoy a good Christmas tune…especially if it’s got an edge to it.

On last night’s episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Stephen Colbert unveiled a segment he called “A Very Rollins Christmas” as he began a rendition of the Christmas classic “Carol of the Bells” alongside Henry Rollins. Let’s just say that there’s a little punk in this Christmas carol, and it’s awesome.

Via Rolling Stone, we also have a very unconventional reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” that Rollins performed in 1991 for A Lump of Coal, an Australian compilation album. And it’s definitely not the standard take on an old Christmas gem! As Rolling Stone says, “By the end of it, not a creature is stirring.” Not even a mouse?

Photo Credit: CBS

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