John Oliver Rewrites The Rules of Holiday ‘Regifting’ In New Last Week Tonight Short

Have you ever gotten a present that you absolutely hated? Something so wrong for you that literally anything else would have been a better choice? Sure, you may be tempted to just trash your unwanted item, or even give it to charity. But perhaps there’s a better way…

This holiday season, consider regifting as a way to responsibly remove said item for your life. No matter what you get, there might be someone who would appreciate it. You could even fool people into thinking that you’re generous!

Last Week Tonight host John Oliver has gotten into the festive spirit of regifting in HBO’s newest web video. Oliver and his team have created a new set of rules for regifting which, if followed, could keep away any of the traditional downsides of regifting!

As Oliver suggests, only a few added steps are needed to escape the brand of a regifter. For example, don’t regift to anyone who knows the original regifter, rewrap the gift in new packaging, and include “intimate yet vague note.” More humorous regifting tips are included in the video below!

Last Week Tonight will return to HBO for its third season on February 14. Until then, Happy Holidays everyone! And let the War on Christmas continue!

Photo Credit: HBO

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