First Look | Marguerite Bennett and Ariela Kristantina’s Insexts # 1

Aftershock Comics is one of the newest comic book publishers, and it is officially making its debut this month. Aftershock has assembled several comic book veterans for unique titles and concepts that defy expectations.

Case in point: Insexts, the second ever Aftershock title, This a story about two Lesbian lovers in the Victorian era who have been transformed into otherworldly beings…and it’s honestly hard to explain what it’s about without jumping back to the official description from Aftershock.

“At the dusk of a century, a pair of vengeful Victorian vixens discover a horrifying power that transforms them into rich and strange new creatures. Armed with their dark, evolving forms, they descend into a world of the cultured and occult, with new senses and new sensuality, to forge a life for themselves and the child of their love.”

Insexts # 1 was written by Marguerite Bennett, whose previous credits include A-Force, Angela, and Red Sonja. Joining Bennett on Insexts is artist Ariela Kristantina (Wolverines), and Kristantina also provided the cover artwork as well.

Aftershock Comics will release Insexts # 1 in comic book stores everyone on Wednesday, December 9.

Photo Credit: Aftershock Comics

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