Presto to Host Australia’s First Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Tournament To Celebrate Launch of ‘The Big Bang Theory’

Television’s premiere crew of science loving cosplay enthusiasts are now calling the Presto streaming service home, with the first seven seasons of “The Big Bang Theory” now exclusively available on the service.

To mark this announcement, the Foxtel and Seven West owned service is hosting Australia’s first ever Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock tournament.

If you haven’t heard of the game, it’s the show’s own version of Rock, Paper, Scissors with some unique rules governing the two additional hand poses, as explained here by the show’s resident know it all Sheldon


With attendees encouraged to follow the example of the characters and come in full cosplay attire (as either one of the show’s characters or their favourite superhero, science fiction/fantasy/fairy tale character or scientific concept) the event will be held on Saturday 12 of December at Kings Comics in Sydney and Sunday 13th of December at All Star Comics in Melbourne.

There is no need to register, and fans can just turn up to either venue between 10am – 4pm and get amongst it. Working under a best of five, winner stays on system, the winner will be decided by who has the most wins on the day.

With some very special prizes up for grabs (including a Presto subscription) along with the first of their kind trophies for the winner and runners up, this is an unmissable opportunity for fans to live a day in the life of the shows characters.


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