Earlier this month, it was revealed that veteran actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan will portray Negan on The Walking Dead. As fans of The Walking Dead comic can attest, Negan is one of the most formidable villains in the series. And his presence has already been felt on the show.
Last night, after the midseason finale of The Walking Dead, AMC aired a two minute clip from the second half of the sixth season that featured Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham in jeopardy by a group of roadside bandits who mentioned Negan by name.
Related: Exclusive Interview | Katelyn Nacon of The Walking Dead
Negan’s crew calls themselves The Saviors, and they’ve actually appeared once before on the show. During the sixth episode of the season, Austin Amelio made his Walking Dead debut as Dwight, a man on the run from Negan’s saviors who encountered and later betrayed Daryl. Dwight is a major character in the Negan storyline from the comic book series, and he may look radically different the next time that he appears on screen.
Over at The Hollywood Reporter, The Walking Dead showrunner Scott M. Gimple shared a few additional teasers for the second half of the season.
“There are a lot of direct moments from the comic coming up in the second half and panels that we’re bringing to life,” said Gimple. “From very big comic moments and some really tiny comic moments are coming up. Things that are not gigantic and dramatic but just little moments from the comic that all add up to some big moments. The second half is very cumulative. Within that, there is one of the weirdest episodes we’ve ever done because it’s one of the amazingly enough more light-hearted episodes, which was terrifying on my side.”
Just don’t expect the midseason premiere to be the “light-hearted” episode. Gimple noted that the midseason premiere would be “quite deadly, sadly.”
The Walking Dead will return to AMC on Sunday, February 14, 2016.