Avengers Disassemble | Watch the First Trailer for ‘Captain America: Civil War’

The first Captain America: Civil War trailer has just hit the internet, and folks… it’s kind of awesome.

Captain America: Civil War actually looks more like the culmination of Marvel’s “Phase Two” than Avengers: Age of Ultron or Ant-Man, with Earth’s mightiest heroes finally being held accountable for the fact that the planet nearly got destroyed on their watch, repeatedly, and at least some of the time it was actually their fault. Age of Ultron kind of came out of nowhere. Civil War feels like a natural extension of the world going, well, super.

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) sides with the government for once, while Captain America (Chris Evans) goes renegade with many of his fellow Avengers. Bucky (Sebastian Stan), a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, is involved too but the Captain America: Civil War trailer does make it look like he’s mostly just there to keep Captain America personally invested in protecting his fellow super-powered individuals, as opposed to admitting that maybe – just maybe – there needs to be a modicum of accountability for their actions.

This Captain America: Civil War trailer also sees the return of General Ross (William Hurt), who has been AWOL in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. It also features our first look at Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) in action, albeit briefly.

More to the point, there’s a scene in which Captain America and Bucky beat the living tar out of Iron Man while throwing a shield back and forth. What are you waiting for? WATCH THIS THING, and check out the new teaser poster below!

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters – hard, apparently – on May 6, 2016.

See the ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Poster in High-Resolution

William Bibbiani (everyone calls him ‘Bibbs’) is Crave’s film content editor and critic. You can hear him every week on The B-Movies Podcast and watch him on the weekly YouTube series Most Craved and What the Flick. Follow his rantings on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.


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