League of Legends Player Calls Out Riot Games Employees in Embarrassing, Angry Rant

The League of Legends World Championships made their way to London this past weekend, and for British fans of eSports it was a momentous occasion. Not only did they get to see the game being represented in the legendary Wembley Arena, but it also saw the likes of the BBC broadcasting the event live, highlighting just how much eSports has grown in recent years. 

However, one individual who wasn’t particularly happy with his experience at the World Championships was Ali Larsen, a relatively well-known LoL streamer known as Gross Gore in the game’s community, who took to Facebook to complain about how he was treated by certain Riot Games employees during the event. Unfortunately for Ali, the end result was a 21-minute video full to the brim with cringe, which also saw him specifically calling out certain Riot Games’ employees by name, inevitably resulting in those individuals being harassed online and therefore allegedly seeing Ali being threatened with a prison sentence by the police.

According to Ali, his experience at the LoL World Championships was ruined after two Riot Games employees cautioned him after he had sent out a Snapchat message asking his fans to meet him at the event. Ali notes that “hundreds” of fans turned up outside the Hilton hotel in which he was staying, which led to the Riot staff members growing concerned regarding the safety of the tournament’s competitors, who were also staying at the Hilton. If that sounds like a reasonable concern that’s because it very much is, but Ali instead believes that he is being personally targeted because Riot doesn’t like him, and not because he summoned forth a large crowd of people to meet him at an event that he wasn’t even taking part in (he was a spectator), and that some of his fans trashed the hotel’s bathroom.

But if Ali is correct and Riot singled him out because they aren’t too fond of him, and not because he summoned a legion of his supporters who caused criminal damage to an expensive London hotel and crowded around a building in which several of the world’s top LoL players were staying, he certainly highlighted exactly why people may have good reason to dislike him in the video. Here are a few examples:

  • He opens the video by explaining how he had paid for a room on the eighth floor of the Hilton, detailing exactly how much that cost him, before saying that there was a “point” to his unsubtle boasting. 21 minutes later, he never reveals what that point is.
  • Repeatedly refers to himself as “real.”
  • Continuously insists that he’s “not racist” despite almost every person in his rant being described using their race, even though their race has nothing to do with the details of his story. One choice excerpt: “Why are you walking around like you own the place, Riot Games? Well, not all [of] Riot Games. Mostly Lisa and Giovanni, and another man, a black man. I’m not racist. A black man with an afro. I don’t know why you guys don’t like me.” I WONDER.
  • Repeatedly refers to England as “our country” and gets inordinately angry about Americans telling him what to do, as though just because he’s English, the organizers of the League of Legends World Championships should abandon their responsibilities when it comes to protecting their players, because he was born in the UK so therefore he’s in charge.
  • Insists that he doesn’t have a problem with Americans despite routinely criticizing them, before pointing out a number of US streamers who he doesn’t like, concluding that there’s one streamer who he does like because said streamer is British.

There’s a lot more embarrassment tucked away in this lengthy video, so if you’re capable of withstanding such high levels of cringe for an extended period of time, you can watch it below:

Riot games employees have ruined my visit to Wembley completely by physically trying to kick me out the Hilton hotel, &...

Posted by Ali Larsen on Sunday, 18 October 2015

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