Demi Lovato has opened up about her recent Vanity Fair photoshoot, which saw the singer pose in the nude, without makeup and with the photos then published without being retouched, discussing how she had previously hated “every inch” of her body before eventually deciding to “work” on herself in order to become comfortable in her own skin.
In a video posted by Vanity Fair, Lovato reveals how she has battled with eating disorders throughout her life and how she eventually overcame her body anxiety, saying: “I thought there was something incredible about the idea of no makeup whatsoever, no clothes, and no retouching… I never thought I would’ve gotten to a place in my life where I would’ve felt comfortable doing that, it’s empowering and it shows other women that you can get to a place where you can overcome obstacles and body image issues.”
Speaking about the subject of confidence in the interview accompanying the photoshoot, Lovato said: “I’m about to launch an album that finally represents who I truly am. How do I embrace this new chapter in my life? How do I really walk the walk? What does it mean to be confident? It means letting go, being authentic, saying, ‘I don’t give a fuck and this is who I am. I want to show the side of me that’s real, that’s liberated, that’s free.”
Check out Lovato’s video interview with Vanity Fair below: