The Libertines’ music video for comeback single ‘Gunga Din’ begins with Carl Barat stumbling out of a bed in a shitty hotel in Thailand. At one point, he raps (yes, raps) “been up all night, I probably picked a fight, ’cause I can’t help it I’m a bastard in the morning.”
Carl Barat is 37 years old.
After it was announced that The Libertines had titled their new album Anthems For Doomed Youth, I questioned just what principal songwriters Barat and Pete Doherty would have to contribute when it came to writing said anthems, given that they are both nearing 40 years of age and their times of being among those youth they consider doomed are long gone. From the looks of things, though, aging with dignity is not a concept that particularly phases The Libertines, so they’ve decided to make a statement by having Carl Barat rap (again, RAP) about having a “little drinky just to see the light” while they fart around with English tourists in Thailand.
Also See: Listen: Eminem & Gwen Stefani Get Epic on ‘Kings Never Die’
Watch the video below:
Nonetheless, the track has been met with a very positive reaction from Libertines fans, who might feel their skin crawl a bit if they stopped to consider that Doherty and Barat are old enough to be their dads. But why get a mortgage when you could instead be writing songs that directly appeal to early-twenty-something groupies? I see you, Libertines.