Bloodborne Trick Discovered That Allows You to Add Gestures to Messages

A nifty little secret has been uncovered in Bloodborne that will change the way you will send and receive messages to/from other players in the future.

If you have stumbled across an apparition pointing you in the right direction upon reading a note left for you by another player in the game, you have likely wondered where said apparition came from. Well it turns out that if you press L1 after typing out a message to another player, you can select from multiple gestures to accompany your note. When other players read your note, the ghostly blue apparition will then appear, displaying your gesture along with your message.

Also See: Survival Guide: 15 Tips to Enduring Bloodborne’s Brutal Journey

This effectively gives you the power to more accurately point other players to places of interest or, if you’re not so helpful, towards certain death. It’s a neat little touch on behalf of developer From Software, and is just one of the many surprises we can expect to encounter as we continue to explore its mysterious world.

If you’re struggling with the game out of the starting gate, or are looking to pick it up over the next few days and want to get a jump on other players, we’ve constructed a thorough and helpful guide to deciding upon your starting class and weaponry, which you can check out right here. We’ve also discovered what we believe to be one of the most effective builds in the game, which you can marvel at here. If that’s not enough Bloodborne for you, then be sure to take a look at our 15 tips for surviving in the game, along with our detailed review.

Bloodborne has already proven to be immensely popular with gamers, and has become one of the best reviewed games of this current console generation, sitting pretty with a 93 Metacritic score.


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