What baby-thug douchespray scummy manboy Justin Bieber wants, bratty dipshit wannabe ghetto-boy gets. The Biebs is going to be roasted on Comedy Central, after years of begging the network to put him on the takedown podium.
According to his own Twitter, Bieber has “wanted to be the butt of the joke for years.”

According to the beacon of truth and editorial dignity that is UsWeekly, the Comedy Central Roast Of Justin Bieber is set for March 7, which gives comics a little over a month to think of jokes that haven’t already been made about his arrests for DUI, reckless driving, terrible skateboarding, crazy racist songs, vandalism, assault, smuggling monkeys, faking a bulge in Calvin Klein ads… and oh yeah, making an unfuckingbelievable shit-ton of money.